Your Best Money Strategy... Stocks, Gold, Bonds, Art, or Home Appreciation?
Actually…Tax Lien Investing beats stocks, bonds, gold, art work, and even home appreciation
Learn Why Real Estate and Tax Lien Investing are Clear Winners!

Hi, my name is Michael Williams.
I spent many years and read countless books looking for a safe, high-yielding alternative to stocks, bonds, gold and other types of investing. I found it, and now you can too!
- The investment opportunity I found is not controlled by hedge funds or multimillionaires. Instead, it is controlled by local governments through a proven and secure process.
- This safe investment opportunity is backed by collateral in real estate.
- Anyone can participate.
Are you curious? Welcome to the tax sale process.
Here’s how it works
The collection of property taxes is a huge priority in every county (and city) in the United States. Literally, if a county cannot collect property taxes it will go broke.
To make sure this doesn’t happen, in tax lien states the county places a lien on any property with delinquent property taxes and sells the debt to investors. You, the investor, are essentially loaning money to the county. This creates a win-win situation for everyone. The county gets its property tax money, property owners get extra time to pay their overdue taxes, and investors get a low-risk, high return investment.
There are many states that offer tax lien certificates: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, South Carolina, Vermont, Washington D.C., West Virginia and Wyoming.
How high is the potential rate of return on tax lien certificates?
- Arizona: tax liens can pay an annual return of 16%.
- Illinois: tax liens can yield 18% over 6 months – that’s 36% per year.
- Indiana: tax liens pay out a flat fee of 10% for the first 6 months or 15% for the second 6 months. On an annual basis, your return could be as high as 120%.
- Florida: tax liens can pay 18% per year. On an annualized basis, your return can be an impressive 60%.
- Iowa: tax lien certificates pay an annual return of 24%.
Tax Lien Investing Is Safe
What about investment safety? Are tax lien certificates a safe investment?
Investing in tax lien certificates is ultra-safe!
What makes tax lien certificate investing safe is that the sales are governed by state law and conducted by the tax collecting jurisdiction (typically the county, sometimes the municipality), and your investment is backed by real estate.
What do I mean by this?
If the property owner pays his/her taxes plus interest due to the county within the time allowed following the tax lien sale (the “redemption” period), then the county receives its property taxes and you receive your money back plus interest.
If the property owner does not pay his/her taxes plus interest within the redemption period, then the county keeps your invested money and you can foreclose on the property for the taxes and any penalties owed, often for pennies on the dollar.
A tax lien has priority over the mortgage. In all but two states, the Mortgage is Wiped Out through the tax foreclosure process. In addition, most liens are wiped out as well.
Let me be clear: You Do Not Have to Pay the Mortgage!
Consequently, you will earn high returns or you will own the property.
Simply put, state governments control the entire tax lien process so it is very safe and fair. The last thing the state or county wants is an unsatisfied tax lien investor. Without the investors, counties would not be able to collect the money they need to keep their governments operating.
You cannot find a higher return, lower risk investment than tax lien certificates.
Now do you understand why tax lien certificates are an incredible investment with a great built-in safety factor?
Tax lien investing doesn’t depend on the economy, so you don’t have to worry about your investment going up and down from one day to the next like the stock market. If you’re like me, you have enough worries. Investing shouldn’t be one of them.
Anyone Can Participate!
You do not need a special license or credentials to invest in tax liens. The sales are open to the general public.
County governments do not check your credit score or make sure you have income from a job. They only check your name and social security number or tax identification number to make sure you don’t owe any taxes in their county. That’s it!
Your credit score can be 500, 600 or 795 – it doesn’t matter.
It’s easier to buy a tax lien than it is to rent an apartment.
In most cases, you don’t even need to be a U.S. citizen to invest.
If you live outside the U.S., you can either apply for a tax identification number from the federal Internal Revenue Service, or set up a U.S. company to invest for you. I will show you how to set up a business that you can use to help get you started, whether you are from Canada, the U.K., New Zealand, Australia, or anywhere in the world.
You may wonder if this investment strategy is out of your reach.
It’s NOT!
Here’s a tax lien certificate that I purchased online for $82.28, which earned 16% interest:

Are you starting to feel better about this safe, higher yielding alternative to stock investing?
No Travel With Online Auctions and Over-the-Counter Sales
You can invest in tax liens from the comfort of your home, with no travel expenses, without attending a public auction.
What’s exciting is that many counties in states across the U.S., like Maricopa County in Arizona, Broward County in Florida, and Denver County in Colorado, are holding their tax lien sales on the Internet rather than at the courthouse, making travel expenses and time away from home a thing of the past.
This is a trend that continues to grow, with more and more counties (and cities) conducting their sales online. Counties will often even provide detailed information about each tax lien on their websites, making your research easier.
In most states, counties will offer their unsold tax lien certificates for sale “over-the-counter.” In this process, you are able to purchase certificates at the full interest rate set by state law, without any competitive bidding. You can literally walk into the county office and purchase your certificate over the counter. Counties also allow purchases by mail, and even online for those conducting online sales.
Florida is a state where many of the counties are conducting their tax lien certificate sales online. Certificates that remain unsold are later available for purchase over-the-counter, with the buyer receiving the full government-mandated annual interest rate of 18 percent.
That is an incredible deal!
Even if you are not comfortable with the Internet, you can simply use the mail to purchase over-the-counter liens. You only need an envelope, a stamp and some knowledge.
Using Your Retirement Funds
Did you know you can purchase tax lien certificates using a self-directed Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and defer or eliminate taxes on your earnings?
Oh, you didn’t know that? Well, you are in for a treat. It’s a fact. You can buy tax lien certificates using money from a traditional or Roth IRA.
How I Got Started
In 1992, I started investing in government foreclosures, mainly from the Veteran’s Administration. I learned how to buy with little money down, maximize cash flow through the rental market, and hold certain properties and sell others.
About 10 years later, I literally stumbled in tax lien investing. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, so I set out to investigate the details. I read several books, but most were outdated (state laws can change over time). In the end, I decided to compile the information myself and write my own books and teach my own workshops. The rest is history. I have been investing in tax liens and deeds ever since, and I have helped many others do the same.
I have been invited to speak with industry giants such as Harv Eker (“Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”), and I have been quoted in Money Magazine on the topic of tax liens. I only say this to let you know that you are getting access to experience.
If you thought tax lien certificates were a great, undiscovered real estate investing secret, welcome to tax deed sales.
Instead of placing a lien on a property with delinquent taxes, counties in some states foreclose on the property and sell it for literally only the taxes owed.
You can buy properties at tax deed sales for 50%, 75%, or more than 90% below market value.
And here is a little known secret. In states like Texas, Georgia, Delaware and Rhode Island, tax deeds carry a right of redemption bearing an interest rate penalty that can be as high as 25%. This means you get the full interest rate even if the tax deed is redeemed right after the sale, giving you annual returns as high as 300% per year.
Georgia offers a redemption fee to investors of 20%, if redeemed within one year. If the property owner redeems in one month, your effective annual interest rate is 240%.
Texas offers a redemption fee to investors of 25% for most properties, when redeemed within 6 months. If the property owner redeems in one month, your effective annual interest rate is 300%.
Delaware offers a redemption fee to investors of 15%. If the property owner redeems in one month, your effective annual interest rate is 180%.
In these right-of-redemption tax deed states, the process works like this. You buy a tax deed and either the property owner pays you back with interest within the redemption period, or the owner loses the property. The difference is that you already own the property, but for a short period of time the owner, bank or other interested party can buy it back from you at a hefty price. For example, if you purchase a tax deed in Texas for $10,000, the owner (or other interested party) will have to pay $10,000 plus $2,500 (or a total of $12,500) within 6 months to reclaim the property or otherwise lose it.
Here is a list of U.S. states and Canadian provinces that have tax deed sales: Alaska, Alberta, Arizona, Arkansas, British Columbia, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Manitoba, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island, Saskatchewan, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin and Washington.
Success in life is often about finding hidden opportunities before everyone else, and tax deed sales are definitely a hidden investment opportunity. Are you still wondering if tax sale investing is for you?
Look at the happy faces of a few of my students at a Texas tax deed sale. I’m having a good time, too. This could be you!
As with tax lien certificates, many counties are now conducting their tax deed sales online. That includes counties in California, Florida, Michigan and Washington. If you are intimidated by the thought of attending a public auction or don’t want to take off time from your daily life to travel to an auction (and pay the travel expenses), don’t let that stop you from investing in tax deeds. If you have ever purchased an item on eBay, you already know how to maneuver an online tax deed auction.

It’s as easy as eBay!
In most states you can purchase tax deeds that were not sold at the original tax sale through the mail or over the counter (and in some counties, online), usually with no competitive bidding. That means you can often get the property for only the taxes owed.
You can also use your retirement funds to purchase tax deeds, and defer or eliminate your taxes on the profits.
Act Now to Get Started!
When you study the facts, investing in tax liens and tax deeds is one of the safest and quickest ways to achieve wealth and financial independence. Even financial institutions have found tax sale investing to be lucrative.
Join me and together we will explore tax lien and tax deed investing, including how to set up a tax lien business, buy with a self-directed IRA, and more.
Let me show you how easy it is to get started.
When you order TAX LIENS UNLEASHED, you are getting more than just a book. Immediately after you place your order, you will receive Instant Access to our Member’s Academy, where everything you need to become a successful tax lien and/or tax deed investor is available to you. There is no waiting for a product to be shipped.
We make it easy for you. You will never need to buy another product, because Tax Liens Unleashed covers it all. Here is what you will receive:
1. Tax Liens Unleashed eBook
Tax Liens Unleashed eBook
This is the same information I taught for years in my 3-day workshops. Everything you need to know about tax lien and tax deed investing is covered. And because I know you are busy, I have condensed this into 10 pages (or about 10 minutes of your time) with my “Quick Start Guide” in Chapter 1 to help get you going right away. When you need to use it as a reference, you have it.
Tax Liens Unleashed (2025) contains a course built right into the pages. With space for note taking and questions at the end of each chapter, it’s more than a book – it’s a learning experience.
Concepts covered in the book include:
- What is a tax lien? What is a tax deed? How are they different?
- How to find tax sale lists, screen them for liens or deeds to purchase, and do your due diligence.
- Preparing for and attending a tax sale auction.
- Managing your tax liens and tax deeds.
- Business concepts for tax lien investors.
- Self-directed IRAs and 401(k)s.
- Example Internet auctions.
- State tax sale laws.
- Profiles of state tax sales.
2. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Superlist,Guide & Research Material
The OTC Superlist Guide will show how to invest in tax liens and tax deeds by purchasing liens/deeds left over from sales. You can purchase directly through the County government and earn the full interest rate. Everything you need to know about OTC tax lien and tax deed investing is covered. Here are some of the States that offer OTC liens/deeds.
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Florida
- Illinois
- Pennsylvania
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- and more!
Finally, you can ask me about over-the-counter investing, and I’m here to help.
3. Tax Sale Calendar Resources
Tax Sale Calendar Resources (2025)
This is our list of over 30 resources for finding upcoming county and municipal public and internet tax lien and tax deed sale dates and lists. We make it easy for you to find upcoming sales in many counties/municipalities in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington and more, as well as the Canadian province of Ontario.
4. Webinar on Tax Lien Investing
Tax Lien Investing WEBINAR
This webinar cover liens, deeds, secrets of tax sale investing, due diligence, screening and more. A slide presentation accompanies the audio recording.
5. Premium Reports
Premium Reports.
You receive access to over 25 premium reports that profile a state, county or topic that will help you jump-start your tax sale business and investing. Topics covered include:
- Arizona tax lien sales
- 3 biggest risks in tax lien investing
- Self-directed IRAs
- Colorado tax lien sale
- Tax sales in New York
- IRS liens
- Tax lien assignments
- 3 most important resources for tax sale investors.
6. Member Support
Member Support
You receive Personalized Mentoring with me by email (Standard Membership) or by phone (Premium Membership). Ask any question you like.
Rick Clark (unsolicited response)
Lori Wloch-Diamos (unsolicited response)
I would like to help you succeed with tax liens, tax deeds, real estate, and business.
Imagine how you will feel with your new money mindset.
On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!
You receive our entire Tax Liens Unleashed course for ONLY $47. For only $147 you’ll become a Premium Member.

In addition to everything else, you also get my No Hassle Guarantee.
If you are not satisfied with the learning materials of my personal coaching, just tell me and I will refund your purchase. No questions!
Order Now and You Receive these Free Gifts!
The 7 Best Tax Lien States. Find out immediately which states you should focus on. The best tax lien states have high interest rates, short redemption periods, and great support by the state and counties involved in the sales. With this free gift, all the hard work has already been done for you!
The 4 Best Tax Deed States. Learn which states make it easy for you to purchase tax foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar.
This is a Bargain at Only $47 for Membership OR $147 for Premium Membership!
Finally, wouldn’t it be reassuring if you could raise your hand and ask any questions?
Well, now you can. Order TAX LIENS UNLEASHED and you can email me your questions about tax sale investing, or set up a time to speak with me.
I challenge you to find a more comprehensive, current and affordable product covering every aspect of tax lien certificate, tax deed and real estate investing on the market. Most of the other products are full of fluff. The authors are good at acting crazy in front of a camera, but when it comes time for real teaching, they are no where to be found.
You get actual instruction from a teacher. I have taught workshops across the U.S. and other countries. I even teach introductory college classes. I only say this to let you know that I can teach at your level. I’m here to help, not “fluff my feathers.”
Remember, when you order TAX LIENS UNLEASHED you receive Instant Access to our premium, online Membership Area, where everything you need to become a successful tax lien and/or tax deed investor is available to you. There is no waiting for a product to be shipped.
Membership is NOT monthly or yearly…Membership is for life or for as long as it takes you to succeed.
Act Now and for Only $47 you can start on your path toward financial independence with this safe and effective investing method of tax liens and deeds. Or, for Only $147 you get personal mentoring from me plus access to the Tax Liens Unleashed online course.
Please don’t wait. This offer is valid for a limited time (see below).
Here’s to your success!

Michael Williams
P.S. I offer a 100% money back guarantee.
P.P.S. This is a limited offer. Standard membership will increase to $97 and Premium Membership will increase to $197 on Tuesday night or until I have 20 more students. Please don’t miss out. You can buy a book anywhere, but a course with an instructor will cost you a minimum of $1,000 to $2,000.
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1. Tax Liens Unleashed eBook (2025)
2. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Superlist Guide
3. Monthly Newsletter
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5. Tax Lien Webinars
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